Miss Down, Mrs Button and Mrs Attree welcome you to take a look at all the wonderful learning happening in Oak Class! Term 2 is going to be an exciting one!
Important information:
Forest School takes place every Monday, so the children will need clothes in school that can get dirty. This includes wellies for when we have particularly wet days! A reminder that children need to be wearing long sleeved items of clothing and trousers for Forest School. PE happens every Friday, so we ask that the children come into school on Friday mornings in their full PE kits. We are also lucky enough to be going swimming this term too! Make sure you have your swimming kit on Wednesdays please.
This term in Maths, we will be spending a lot of our time looking at the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). We will then follow this on by looking at fractions. For Year 6, this will be quite a bit unit of learning that takes us into next term too. For Year 5, it will build on lots of previous learning from past years. We will be looking at fractions of amounts, mixed numbers, improper fractions and equivalent fractions.
For Writing this term, we will be writing for a variety of audiences and exploring different genres such as: poetry, descriptive writing, non-chronological reports (based on our WW1 history topic and Science Space topic), re-tells and instruction writing. We will be using devices such as inverted commas for speech, parenthesis, relative clauses and figurative language.
For our Science learning this term, we will be exploring Earth and Space! This term covers lots of learning, such as how the Earth orbits the sun, the other planets in the Solar System, the moon and we will be investigating how shadows show us that the Earth is moving. Everyone seems very excited for our Space topic already!
This term, we will be learning about World War 1. This coincides with Remembrance Day and we will begin this term with some Remembrance poetry. We will be investigating the causes of WW1 and the countries that became involved. Additionally, we will be looking at life in the trenches and we will be thinking about what that must have been like for soldiers in the war. Finally, we will be discussing what life was like after the war ended. This should lead us on nicely to our next history topic in Term 4...
Our Big Question this term in RE is: What would Jesus do? This term explores the gospel and Jesus' life. We will be looking at the Sermon on the Mount and evaluate some of Jesus' key teachings. The key question will allow children to understand why Christians follow the teachings of Jesus and investigate whether they all interpret the teachings in the same way.
The topic for PSHE this term is all about 'Being Me in My World'. This is where we will be discussing how we fit into our school and wider community. We will explore how we can welcome and encourage diversity as it makes our world a more wonderful place.
Home Learning:
Seesaw is the platform we are using to engage with parents but also conduct home learning. Homework will be set every Friday and checked the following Thursday. There will be two tests set via Spelling Frame every week and TTRS should be accessed every week at home, as well as at school.
As we are using technology more and more at home and in school, it is important to be taking an active role in helping our children stay safe online. If you need any support with this, please don't hesitate to talk to Miss Down. There is a useful website below to give you some tips:
Useful websites:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn - a website with information, quizzes and games for all subjects!
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?Subject=16 - an excellent website full of games and interactive resources that will help with mental Maths.
https://www.timestables.co.uk/ - a website to help with times table fluency - a real focus in our class at the moment!
https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ - an informative website which can help with Topic and Science learning.