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Brenzett Primary School

BrenzettChurch of England Primary School

'The Lost Sheep' Luke 15:4-7

Religious Education


At Brenzett CEP School, Religious Education is at the heart of our curriculum.  RE lessons are highly aspirational and challenging, exploring thought provoking questions which ensure that children at our school learn from as well as about religion.

We believe that it is vitally important for children to learn about different faiths in an honest and respectful way so they can:

  • develop a broad and balanced understanding of religions within their community, the United Kingdom and worldwide.
  • develop their critical thinking skills
  • broaden their perspectives of faiths and cultures, encouraging tolerance of diversity
  • nurture their own spiritual, social and emotional development
  • contribute in a positive and determined way to being citizens of Brenzett and beyond, promoting community cohesion.
  • understand the similarities and differences between faiths, showing curiosity in the world we live in
  • communicate their views in a respectful manner

RE at Brenzett CE Primary School also gives children the opportunity for personal reflection as well as providing them with a safe space to ask their own questions. It encourages independent thinking and also the ability to work as a teamshowing consideration for each individual’s opinions and beliefs.

By the time the children leave our school, RE will have contributed to them developing their own sense of identity and will ensure that they are well informed on the community they live in and beyond. They will be respectful, compassionate and tolerant citizens, who have gained the knowledge and skills necessary to make positive and healthy choices in life


The principal aim of RE is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and world views address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own (Kent Agreed Syllabus, September 2023).

RE is taught in dynamic and creative ways at Brenzett CE Primary School. Children are given opportunities to learn through discussion, art, drama and by using real life artefacts, all of which enhance their learning. Achievement is given prominence in school and classroom displays which show the children’s journey towards answering big questions. The provision of Religious Education covers a wide range of world faiths, allowing pupils to explore their own beliefs through discovery of other cultures.

We follow guidelines from the Kent Agreed Syllabus, including Understanding Christianity, as recommended by the Canterbury Diocese for both our RE and Collective Worship. This in turn ties in with our curriculum in which pupils explore other countries.

Pupils enjoy RE lessons in which they are encouraged to engage in a series of mini-questions leading up to answering a big question which reflects the learning for the term. This learning journey is documented in the pupils’ books and on our working walls. Pupils are taught to appraise different beliefs, share their views and form reasoned responses for themselves. In addition, learning about religion is always applied to real life, so that our children can learn from it and understand what it means to be a citizen of multicultural Britain.

Other opportunities for religious expression include our daily collective worship and planning for our services at Harvest, Christmas, Easter, Remembrance and the end of the year.

We promote children’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development through RE lessons and across the broad curriculum Brenzett offers. Our most recent  Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) inspection judged our provision of RE to be ‘Good’.

Knowledge and Skills Development

We believe that effective RE goes beyond mere factual learning. Our curriculum places an emphasis on developing key skills such as critical thinking, respectful dialogue, empathy, and reflection. Through the use of high-quality resources, our learners engage with a variety of primary and secondary sources, including sacred texts, artifacts, and visits from religious practitioners, to deepen their knowledge and understanding of different religions and worldviews.

Promoting Tolerance and Respect

Promoting tolerance and respect is at the core of our RE provision. We actively promote an inclusive environment where pupils learn about and from each other's beliefs and values, fostering a climate of understanding and acceptance. Our lessons incorporate opportunities for pupils to explore ethical and moral issues, encouraging them to consider different perspectives and develop empathy towards others. We provide a forum for respectful discussion and debate where pupils can express their own opinions, while respecting the rights and beliefs of others.

Assessment and Feedback

We believe that meaningful assessment informs teaching and learning in RE. Our assessment strategies are designed to capture pupils' progress, understanding, and application of knowledge and skills across a range of topics. Teachers use a variety of formative and summative assessment methods, including observations, questioning, and written tasks, to provide regular feedback to pupils. This enables us to identify their strengths and areas for development, supporting them in progressing in their RE learning journey.